Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tips from Us How to Carry Your Cupcakes

Some people maybe don't know the tips about what should they do when they buy cupcakes. Well because some cupcake's icing made from butter or cream so it's easily ruin. So here are some tips for you to know about "HOW TO KEEP YOUR CUPCAKE PRETTY"

- If you buy cupcake with butter or cream or glassy icing on top of it, try to avoid hot temperature
because the icing easily "melt" or "greasy".
- Keep your cupcake in a room temperature or cold is even better.
- Don't put your cupcake in a car too long, it's also cause the icing melted.
- If you carry your cupcake in a packaging box, try to hold it in flat (horizontal), don't swing the box or shake it. A diagonally movement can make the cupcakes falling apart inside the box.
-You can not carry more then a dozen cupcake on a motorcycle, because the bumping and turning will shake the cupcake.

if you understand the tips, we are sure you will have a pretty cupcake once you arrives at home.
Well i guest that's all the important points you have to know, we enclosed some pictures that might help you to understand.

Happy cupcake shopping!


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